Online Resources
Click on a heading to go to the appropriate section:
Getting Started
To access many of our e-resources you will need an OpenAthens username and password. Sign-up to OpenAthens here or click the circle below.
Open access to our library catalogue Koha, where you can view our collections and login to your account to reserve and renew books and order inter-library loan articles. For help using Koha, click here.
Summarised Evidence
These clinical evidence tools are useful in finding up to date, evidence-based information on specific topics or specialties. Apps are also available for these resources, and you can find out more about our mobile apps here.
The library has access to e-books on various subjects that can be downloaded to read on a device or PC. Click on one of the circles below to access these collections.
E-books by Proquest gives you online access to e-books we subscribe to. You will need an OpenAthens account to access the books. For help with E-books, click here.
We have access to thousands of e-journal articles through national collections and our own subscriptions. Use Browzine to look through our journal titles, or use the search bar below the circles (not available on mobile site). LibKey is used to look up a specific article using the DOI or PubMed ID.
Use Browzine to view our online journal collection. These are listed by title, with links through to article where available. OpenAthens required. For more help with Browzine, click here.
Libkey can give you access to journal articles if you have the DOI or PMID of your article. Full text links are then provided where we have access. OpenAthens required to access full text. For more help and for information on the Libkey Nomad browser extension, click here.
Search results will display in a window here.
You can also download the Libkey Nomad extension in your browser Download Nomad - New 2021 - Third Iron (Available to all NHS staff). This will give you more instant access to articles we subscribe to.
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a place where things are stored and can be found
Access our repositories to find information such as reports, articles and guidance.
The East Midlands Reseach Repository (EMER) is the official institutional research repository for various NHS Trusts in the East Midlands. For information on EMER including how to submit a paper, click here.
Online access to the Trust Guidelines, Policies and Strategies. To contact the Policies/ Guidelines team, email uhdb.policiesguidelines@nhs.net.
Healthcare Databases
Make use of these databases to find information and literature specific to a subject or condition. For assistance in searching databases and effective literature searching, visit our help pages here, or contact the library for a training session.
PubMed® comprises more than 34 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. For help using PubMed, click here.
Cochrane Library contains different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. For more information on Cochrane, click here.
ProQuest Dialog for AMED. For more information on this individual database, see text below.
Individual Databases: Information and Links
Produced by the Health Care Information Service of the British Library, AMED is a specialised bibliographic database designed for physicians, therapists, medical researchers, historians, and clinicians looking to learn more about alternative and allied therapies and related subjects.
BNI is a UK nursing, midwifery and community healthcare database covering UK journals and other English language titles including international nursing and midwifery journals as well as selective content from medical, allied health, and management titles.
Cochrane Library contains different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making.
Quick start guide for Cochrane
CINAHL indexes nursing and allied health literature available including nursing journals and publications from the National League for Nursing and the American Nurses Association. The database is particularly useful for nurses, allied health professionals, researchers, nurse educators and students.
Embase is a current and comprehensive pharmacological and biomedical database containing around 10 million documents from 1974 to date. Embase covers the whole world’s biomedical literature whilst concentrating in particular on European sources. The emphasis of the database is on the pharmacological effects of drugs and chemicals.
Emcare is a nursing and allied health database designed for practice, research, or education. It includes access to nearly 5 million records dating back to 1995.
HMIC brings together the bibliographic database of two UK health and social care management organizations: the Department of Health's Library and Information Services (DH-Data) and King’s Fund Information and Library Service. HMIC is an invaluable source of information for health care administrators and managers.
Medline is a bibliographic database of over 25 million records from over 5,000 journals, dating back to 1946. There is an emphasis on clinical medicine, dentistry, and biomedical research, but there is also coverage of nursing, chemistry and pharmacology, biological and physical sciences, microbiology, nutrition, health care delivery and social sciences.
PubMed comprises over 26 million citations for biomedical literature from Medline, life science journals, and online books. PubMed citations and abstracts include the fields of biomedicine and health, covering portions of the life sciences, behavioral sciences, chemical sciences, and bioengineering.
With over 3.5 million records dating back to 1887, PsycINFO covers the behavioural sciences and mental health, with references to papers, chapters, and dissertations, relevant to psychiatry, medicine, management, social science, neuroscience, law and social work.
SPP is a bibliographic database for those working or studying in the health and social care sectors, bringing together information from AgeInfo (Centre for Policy on Ageing), National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, Planex (IDOX Information Service), Social Care Online (Social Care Institute for Excellence) and ChildData (National Children’s Bureau). SPP contains over 400,000 bibliographic records and abstracts dating from 1981.
KnowledgeShare is the system used to sign-up to training delivered by the Clinical Librarians in the Trust. You can also set up e-mail alerts for current awareness. For more information on Knowledgeshare click here, and to view the training calendar, click here.
e-LfH is a Health Education England Programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies.
Modules include: Literature Searching, Health Literacy, Critical Appraisal and Reflective Practice. You can download a PDF Quick Start Guide here.
CASP provide high quality critical appraisal training and checklists for evaluating evidence. For help and information on CASP, click here.
Useful links and tools to help you with keeping up to date with current information, for booking onto training sessions and viewing training modules.
Reference Management
Handy links to reference management software, for help with referencing and bibliographies.
EndNote reference management software. Our librarians only offer training in Endnote and not other reference management systems. For help with this software including links to user guides and videos, click here.
Mendeley is a free online reference management system, which can be downloaded onto Windows/Mac/Linux systems. There is also Mendeley Cite which is available as as App. More info can be found on the Mendeley website
Zotero is a free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, annotate, cite, and share research. You can download from their website onto Windows/Mac/Linux and iOS. More information on Zotero can be found here.
Other e-resources
Useful health resources and information sources.