Inter-Library Loans Service
Although we have access to a great number of online and print journal articles and an extensive book stock, there are occasions where you might need access to a paper that we don't subscribe to, or a book we don't hold.
In this instance, you can apply for an Inter Library Loan...
To recommend a book to purchase for our stock, click here.
How to get the articles you need
You have instant access to thousands of journals through your NHS OpenAthens account, so you can often access the articles you need straight away. If you know the DOI (digital object identifier; the unique letters and numbers used to identify an article or ebook) or PubMed ID, check LibKey:
Otherwise, look for the journal on BrowZine and then find the volume and issue:
However, if you can’t find the article or book you’re looking for, we can obtain them for you from elsewhere – including from the British Library! Request your items via Koha:
If you don’t have an account, please self-register by clicking here. We will need to verify your account before you can request articles.
Articles will be emailed to the address on your Koha account as soon as we receive them. If you've requested a book, you will receive an e-mail when it is ready to collect.
This service is available free of charge to all UHDB and DCHS staff. All students are encouraged to use their home request service.
If you need any help or further information, please contact a member of the Library Team.
You can also find a handy video below.